Chapter 377: Death of an Empire
Dan Weiss stared at Alex with complete and total disbelief for several seconds without even blinking. Did this man really just reveal his most shameful secret to the entire world because he had blackmailed him?
As for Alex, he simply continued to drink, while looking at his phone and all the comments he was receiving for his admission of being in a relationship with several family members of various relations.
Naturally, the internet was lit aflame by his comments, as it always was. The man had no filter, no shame, and was more than happy to start shit simply for the sake of doing so. With this admission, people honestly didn’t know if he was telling the truth or not.
All they knew was that Alex was in a chat with the president of the Ultimate Fighting Challenge who was allegedly threatening to reveal his secrets to the public in exchange for Alex signing back to the promotion that had kicked him out for less favorable terms than Alex appeared to want.
This, of course, was the bigger story. The Ultimate Fighting Challenge had long since faced heavy criticism for issues like fighter pay, and withholding benefits to the fighters under the guise of the being “independent contractors” while holding them to highly restrictive contracts that in all reality bade them exclusive employees.
There had even been major class action lawsuits that were ultimately settled in court. But now, a fighter, or ex-fighter, was claiming that the President of the UFC had personally visited him in his home, and threatened to expose his scandalous sexual relations in order to pressure him into signing an unfavorable deal?
This was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Even the people who would normally jump on Alex for being a “terrible human being” had shifted their attention to the Ultimate Fighting Challenge and its shady business practices.
After all, in today’s society where corporations were almost universally hated by the consumers, there were plenty of people who were just waiting for an opportunity to complain about the Ultimate Fighting Challenge.
Sure, Alex may be a piece of shit, but Dan was a bigger piece of shit, and so was his company. Millions of people on the internet began complaining on their social media, and saying how they were going to boycott the promotion until it began treating its fighters right.
Alex showed off the messages that were flooding his feed to Dan with a smug smirk on his face. Making an extremely confident expression as he put his phone down and poured himself another drink.“And that is how you single-handedly bring down an Empire…. So… Dan… Now that millions of your customers are pissed at you and your company, I think the only thing that will settle their hatred towards you is agreeing some of my requests, don’t you think?”
Dan was bewildered by Alex’s actions. He had no idea how to respond. But he also didn’t think Alex had the influence necessary to tear down everything he had built over the past twenty years or so with a single post on his social media page.
Because of this, he was quick to respond to Alex’s claims, dropping the offer he had made him altogether.
“You know what? Fine, if you don’t want to fight, then don’t fight. See if I care. There’s plenty of other guys who would kill have the opportunity I just gave you! If you think this little charade of yours is going to bring me down, you’re out of your mind. I have been in the fight game before you were even born you little shit, and I’ll still be here running this bitch long after you retire!”
After saying this, Dan walked off. He was about to leave Alex’s penthouse when Alex called out to him.
“You know I tried Dan, I really did… Lord knows I tried. I tried to get you to sign a deal that would bring back fighter sponsors, or at the very least let us pursue other options, as we are legally considered independent contractors after all.
It truly is a shame this world is based on greed. And men like you profit so much off of guys who are willing to risk brain damage and death for the sake of their families. But if you care so little about the fighters, then so be it. Walk out. I’ll just sign with one of your rivals.”
Dan was so infuriated by Alex’s remarks that he took a step back, pointing at Alex and cursing at him, and in doing so, sealing his fate without even realizing it.
“Fuck you, you little piece of shit! Fights? Who the hell cares about the fighters? It’s the Ultimate Fighting Challenge that people tune in to watch every Friday night. You think anyone would give a damn about your name if it didn’t have those three bold letters written in front of it?
None of you chuckle fucks appreciates the opportunity I have given you all. This isn’t a career, it’s an opportunity. You get to fight in the biggest promotion in the history of mixed martial arts. My promotion. You should be on your knees thanking me for ever signing your ungrateful ass.
You know what, go ahead, go sign with one my rivals, and see how quickly your name falls into obscurity. Nobody gives a shit about you other than the fact that you had the potential to become the Ultimate Fighting Challenge Champion.
But guess what, you blew it. And now you’re just going to be some champion in a league nobody has ever heard of before. Congratulations, kid, you really screwed yourself over by thinking you could negotiate with me! Fuck you!”
After saying this, Dan stormed off. Not realizing that he had been set up by Alex. Every word he had said, followed by Alex stating “I tried” painted Dan and the Ultimate Fighting Challenge in Negative light. While Alex seemed like the guy who had sacrificed the belt and championship status for the sake of standing up for the other fighters.
Any admission Alex had made regarding his relationship with his mother, aunt, sisters, step-mother, and step-sisters would be quickly drowned out by the news that broke after Alex posted the video of Dan freaking out on him.
One thing was certain, in 72 hours Dan would be on his knees begging Alex for forgiveness, and offering to sign whatever deal he wanted.
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