Chapter 436 World [2]
The formless starlight that marked Damien’s class as a Celestial spread from his body. As it did so, his awareness pierced through the ground under him and dove as deep as it could go.
Or at least, that was what was supposed to happen.
When his awareness impacted the ground, it suddenly rampaged out of his control. His senses were forced to spread along the profound patterns on the floor beneath him.
‘What is…’
Before he could question what was happening, an ancient and desolate aura began to emanate from the formation, mingling with his Celestial Aura as if they were close pals.
No matter how much Damien tried to break out of his meditation state and stop the ongoing process, it wouldn’t work.
But just as soon as he started struggling, he stopped altogether. He allowed his awareness and aura to flow as they pleased.
It was because he could sense something in his spiritual world. It wasn’t an intruder, nor was it something special at all. It was far more profound than anything like that.
As the ancient aura covered his body and merged with his own aura, its formless essence rushed into his body. The Void Physique immediately went to work to counter it.
But Damien still didn’t move. Instead, he spoke out with his mind’s voice. It wasn’t a vocal or mental projection using mana, he was simply thinking as if he was speaking to someone else.
‘I know you’re here. How long do you plan to observe me before making contact?’
He was met with silence. The presence he was speaking to didn’t act, nor did it reveal its location. But he knew it was there somewhere.
‘We have urgent matters to talk about. I’m not sure what you’re planning to do with this formation, but I’m sure it isn’t trying to harm me. If you’re doing something like this, then you should be open to negotiation, right?’
Another silence.
Damien didn’t fret. He knew from the beginning that this being wasn’t something he could just carelessly make contact with. And he knew that actually hearing its voice was something that very few, if any, were given the right to do.
And so, he continued his prodding for what felt like hours on end.
‘With the way times are changing, you will not be safe from the coming catastrophe. Considering your status, you should already understand this much. Partnering with me is your best chance at survival, and perhaps something far greater than just that.’
Damien finally felt a response. Although it wasn’t vocal, he could feel thoughts of intrigue filling his spiritual world.
‘This is just how that little one communicated, but considering your age, you shouldn’t be limited to just this. I understand that you might have a great deal of pride, but don’t let pride be the reason you forfeit your life.’
[The concept of pride is not something that applies to us.]
Damien smiled inwardly. Finally, he had provoked a response.
‘And why is that?’ He questioned on.
[This thing called pride was invented by the living. It is something solely possessed by those with will. However, we are not beings with will.]
‘If you were not beings with will, then you wouldn’t be communicating with me right now, would you?’
[Human reasoning is strange. We make contact with you not because of our will, but for our survival.]
‘I’m honored that you think I can play a part in that.’
[It is a logical judgement based on the actions you have shown since your arrival.]
‘Logical, huh. The logical choice would probably be to latch onto someone far more powerful and accomplished than me. Why would you choose me then?’
[Others do not possess your ability.]
Damien flinched. Right, even communicating like this wasn’t something the latter could do with just anyone. Most likely, this being hadn’t spoken to a human in eons.
[State your proposal.]
The voice was cold and detached. It almost didn’t sound like a single voice at all. It was like the amalgamation of the voices of everything that lived and breathed. Genderless and formless, being defined only by its own standards.
‘I want to bind you. My duty as a Celestial is to do so. It is to my own benefit, and also yours if you allow me to proceed.’
[How will we benefit?]
‘Simple. As I stated before, your survival is hinged on the lives of those living within you, as well as the status of the Core that allowed you to attain consciousness. If either of these is greatly threatened, you will also be in danger.’
Damien wasn’t sure if his words were truth. It was mere conjecture he made about worlds through his own experience with them, as well as his insights on Dimensional Magic. However, it didn’t seem like his conjecture was too far-fetched.
[Your words are not the truth, yet, they are equally truthful. The overarching purpose of your words, however, is without falsity.]
‘Then there’s no need to talk in circles. I believe that by granting me your power, you shall see benefits as well. Even disregarding the survival aspect, I believe that through our connection, I can stimulate your growth.’
It was a bold proposition. To stimulate the growth of an entire world, what kind of person could dare say they could accomplish it with confidence? Yet, Damien was sure he could do it.
‘There is a precedent.’ Damien continued before the World Core could speak. ‘I don’t know how much you can see from me, but I have already formed a connection with another world. That world is my home world, and through our connection, I can sense the changes taking place there.’
It hadn’t even been 5 years since those elders from the Burning Sun Sect had drained earth of all its mana, yet, the world was growing at a rate where that lost mana had already been regained and even exceeded.
He couldn’t feel it before because he hadn’t formed his spiritual world yet. His connection was still too vague for him to directly interact with it. Even within the Primordial Undying Realm, he wasn’t able to feel the changes due to being disconnected from the outside world.
But once he was given time to relax and consolidate his gains from that trip, he finally felt the drastic changes Earth was going through.
It was still vague. It wasn’t like he could feel the presence of every person on Earth, or see what was happening on the planet. But he could intuitively feel the changes.
Whether it be the insane topographical changes of the world, the vast amount of mana that Earth possessed, which might’ve even been on par with Apeiron already, or the general strength level of the population, which had grown so explosively that Damien almost couldn’t believe it.
Earth was no longer the same planet that Damien once knew. It was no longer a tiny world that would be fazed by a small number of 3rd class invaders.
He couldn’t attribute this change to himself alone, he wasn’t conceited enough to think he had so much sway, but he knew one thing for certain.
Earth’s fate had changed when he bound it to himself.
The World Core read his thoughts clearly. He didn’t have to speak directly for it to do so, as they were in a state where their consciousnesses were connected.
[That child called Earth can be called a precedent. But that child has not gained the qualifications to be compared to us. In relativity, our growth will be far more arduous.]
Damien grinned inwardly. Even though the World Core said it was indifferent to human emotions, he didn’t think that was entirely the case.
There were two things that every entity would crave, regardless of their nature.
The first was survival.
As for the second, it was strength.
And right now, Damien was offering both to the World Core.