Chapter 821 Domino [1]
Eien’s massive size didn’t need to be mentioned multiple times to be realized. Even in width, it was greater in size than the area of many planets.
With this kind of space, especially with half of the battlefield sunken in the Abyss, it was natural for there to be countless pockets of space that remained undiscovered by Heaven’s Army.
An aged figure sat like a monk in one of these spatial pockets.
For the first time in many hundreds of years, his eyes opened.
“The Heavenly Demon Candidate has lost his claim.”
The man’s ancient voice echoed through the small cave he occupied, slightly cracking the walls.
“This place is no longer suitable.”
With the second instance of speech, the cave collapsed entirely.
The old man reappeared in the void of Eien, easily flicking away the spatial collapse caused by his actions.
“The 9th revolution nears the end of its cycle and the Path of Godhood opens its doors. Before this event, I cannot move.”
The old man took out a strange black and red talisman, burning it in the next instant.
“Let the juniors fight amongst themselves. Those who die merely weren’t worthy of their Providence.”
His gaze pierced the bounds of reality, traveling millions of kilometers in the distance.
“A familiar scent…”
He shook his head to regain focus.
Regardless of the matters of existence, he could not and would not interfere.
It was close.
He could feel the welcoming embrace of Divinity on the horizon.
“The day that I, Jahad, reach Divinity…”
His body moved millions of miles in an instant, not through spatial teleportation, but through pure force of movement.
His gaze panned the surroundings before his body moved, disappearing into a new spatial pocket in which he would stay for a few hundred more years.
In his wake, only a single phrase was left resounding through the empty Abyss.
“…that day will be the end of existence.”
A black and red talisman burned.
Rather, multiple burned in many different locations across the Blood-Drenched Wilderness and nearby areas.
The Heavenly Demon Body no longer has an owner.
As the Demonic Providence’s commandments allow, the person who kills the Heavenly Demon Candidate’s killer will inherit the Heavenly Demon Body.
These two messages came together to every Nox Stronghold and camp within several million kilometers.
Suddenly, many eyes turned to the Blood-Drenched Wilderness.
Just who was the Heavenly Demon Candidate’s killer?
Rapid investigations only brought back uncertainty, as if the killer vanished into thin air.
This was especially alarming for those in other territories. To hide oneself so well required a specific level of skill that only existed in extreme peak masters.
It was best to wait.
After all, weren’t there two Nox Strongholds in the Blood-Drenched Wilderness aside from the one the Heavenly Demon Candidate controlled?
Those two strongholds would be the perfect lure, and at the same time, the killer’s response to these strongholds’ existence would reveal much about their personality and strength.
However, before these things could be ascertained, the two Nox Strongholds needed to be pushed into action.
And if it was instigators one was looking for…
…Eien was a place where they thrived and a place where they gathered.
Pressure was an extremely strong force, especially when coming from a powerful entity.
The pressure and tension caused by the black and red talisman were already high since only the strongest experts were permitted to use them.
However, immediately after this pressure appeared, countless forces in the surrounding areas exerted their own power on the Blood-Drenched Wilderness as well.
At first, it was just Nox forces, yet, once Heaven’s Army learned of the situation, they also pushed their forces to war.
It wasn’t just a matter of revealing the Heavenly Demon Candidate’s killer, who became an extremely important target of protection for Heaven’s Army, but also capitalizing on the current frenzy to push the war forward.
After all, the higher-ups of Heaven’s Army also weren’t happy with the level of politics on the battlefield. In a war of this size, such petty struggles couldn’t be allowed.
Eien’s massive size was the main problem. With how thinly the army was spread, it was impossible to exert total control over it. This control needed to be spread amongst guild branch managers and others of their same level, but these were the exact people who caused discord to spread through the warzone.
If the flames of war blazed brightly once more, the space for petty squabbles decreased heavily, and people would be forced to remember their allegiance.
The two Nox Strongholds were both in full preparation mode.
One stronghold had 100 late-stage 4th classes, while the other had over 500. The destroyed stronghold was only so weak because it was new.
The Heavenly Demon Candidate was scheduled to begin his advent from this stronghold, but it was destroyed before he even got a chance.
And in the end, the man himself died a pitiful death without even being able to leave his last words.
The other two strongholds didn’t have any plans to follow him to purgatory.
“Prepare for war! Before those humans can invade us, we must conquer them! Drink their blood, eat their flesh, and dominate them without fail!”
A grey-skinned man stood on a platform above an army of millions. His aura radiated strongly, filling his troops with a strong sense of loyalty.
After all, this man wasn’t originally part of their forces.
He was sent from elsewhere, only joining them in the last few days.
But this man…
Was an extreme peak 4th class master at the 4th revolution, a true Commander!
The furious warcry of those troops rang out powerfully.
Their numbers covered countless thousands of kilometers.
The forces of two strongholds together were marching under this man’s lead.
And their destination…
They made a beeline for Grand Heavens Boundary’s half of Eien.
Just as the man said, they would initiate war before war enveloped them.
And he…
‘I will acquire the Heavenly Demon Body and truly become invincible! Hahahaha!’
The Nox Commander grinned wickedly from behind his massive army.
The estimated time of their first encounter with the enemy…
Was a mere three days.
‘So it’s finally starting.’
Damien sat in a bed within Sanctuary’s guild branch and chewed on a stalk of grass. Ximen Wuhen sat silently on a chair to the side.
The duo had been waiting aimlessly for almost an entire week now, but it seemed that Damien’s forethought was spot on this time.
‘The situation in the Blood-Drenched Wilderness was already a powder keg waiting to blow, but who would’ve thought it was to this degree.’
Damien smiled as he thought back to the message he received a few hours earlier.
A guild summon was issued. Tomorrow morning, all forces were to gather and march towards the Abyss to crush the Nox army.
‘This is a joint operation that’s being led by the three guild branch heads, but many more forces are joining than expected. These smaller forces and squads have been sitting around waiting for an opportunity to rise, and they finally found one.’
Damien glanced out the window at the dreary scenery of the Blood-Drenched Wilderness.
‘I wonder how these individualistic forces will collide in a major operation like this. Honestly, it’s a bit too hopeful to believe they’ll cooperate perfectly, but I’ll hope regardless.’
It wouldn’t be long before tomorrow came.
‘I guess this will be my true introduction to war.’
The part of foot soldier would be played for now, but when the time was right…
‘I’ll dominate everything and write my own legend.’