Chapter 824 Domino [4]
Compared to the rest of the army, the Roaring Dragon Cavalry was particularly lucky.
Unlike the other cavalry units, they didn’t use beast mounts. Since their mounts were entirely electronic, they didn’t need rest.
They only needed their rider’s mana to recharge to peak condition.
As such, a position on the Roaring Dragon Cavalry actually became an extremely coveted role. People would approach the group every few hours in hopes of earning a chance.
Naturally, they were all turned away.
When Damien asked Ezio his reasoning, the latter’s response was simple.
“We can’t afford liabilities or burdens at this time.”
So then, why was Damien sent to this cavalry?
‘It was Priscilla’s connection after all.’
That was what he concluded by the time the second day rolled around. Even with his skills, it was impossible for him to be assigned to such a prestigious unit without credibility.
The hints were too various to be coincidental, and though Ezio was a master of hiding his emotions behind a friendly smile, his buddies weren’t so skilled.
‘These guys are acting kind, but they’re obviously unresigned on the inside.’
It didn’t matter how good of a driver Damien was. If he couldn’t cooperate properly with the rest of the cavalry, he was useless.
Ironically, his expertise would rather be a hindrance than a help.
‘Then I’ll just have to prove my worth.’
Damien never moved for the sake of others, nor did he care what others thought about him.
But that didn’t mean he wanted to be perceived negatively by those he respected.
Soldiers like those who surrounded Ezio were honorable and great. They were the heroes protecting the universe from invasion.
This by itself was enough to earn Damien’s respect, let alone their amiability and general charisma.
Damien didn’t have any plans of being a side character during this war, but before he made any major moves…
‘I will absolutely not disrupt their flow.’
He hated people who thought themselves heroes and acted without care for the consequences of their actions in a serious situation like this.
He wouldn’t become one, regardless of his goals.
Throughout the entire three-day journey to the battlefield, Damien kept mostly to himself. He didn’t socialize not because of the pressure, but because he was more focused on other matters.
Familiarizing himself with his own power, with Blackie’s power, and with the interactions between the cavalry members. This was how he kept himself busy.
‘I can’t know their battle habits through observation alone, but I can at least get a gist of how they handle themselves and their positions. If I couple this with their status information that the All-Seeing Eyes show me, it should be enough.’
Those three days passed far faster than one would expect from such a grueling march.
The atmosphere was tense, but lighthearted undertones did permeate the army.
Today would be the final day of many of their lives.
If so, what was the purpose of living it so strictly?
At least, this was how things remained until the vast plain where the battle would be held came into sight.
Tension rose.
The ambiance changed.
“Heaven’s Army” appeared on the warfront.
Countless thousands of kilometers away was a sea of blackness drenched in killing intent, the Nox Army.
Jean, Rilia, and Geralt, the three guild branch leaders, stood at the front of the army with cold eyes.
“I sense a troubling aura,” Rilia commented.
The two men beside her nodded grimly.
“This is an unforeseen circumstance. It seems that they’ve managed to attract a Commander-level Nox to their cause.” Geralt added, confirming Rilia’s thoughts.
“Can you fight him?” Jean asked.
Rilia shot him a glance. “The rumors about me are largely blown out of proportion. Against a 4th revolution expert, I alone am not nearly enough.”
“Then the three of us together…”
“Yes, this is the only option.”
Jean’s eyes hardened at Rilia’s revelation.
If the three of them had to work together against the Commander, how would they deal with the countless late-stage 4th class Nox in the army?
“We cannot recklessly call for war,” Geralt said with a frown.
“You are right, however, I doubt a Nox army will kindly receive our delegation. We have no choice but to improvise.”
“But the foot soldiers…”
“We can only hope that the late-stage Nox can be held back by the stronger units.”
“Haa…it seems we truly have no choice.”
Jean gave in quickly. His morals couldn’t overcome his desire for victory.
Despite his somewhat greedy nature, he truly did care about the war effort.
“Let’s move.”
Rilia’s voice was an inviolable commandment.
Facing the black tide that was slowly approaching from the distance, Heaven’s Army moved as well.
It was a slow and deliberate movement. Every single one of their steps contained grand momentum, momentum that layered like waves every time another step was taken.
By the time they arrived within a few kilometers of the enemy, they sounded like a stampede of ferocious beasts.
Three stomps marked the halting of their movement.
This moment was also when they finally took in the full scale of the enemy’s forces.
Millions were not large enough to describe the sheer number of existences.
A majority of them were weak and mindless slaves, but that didn’t change the impossible number they made up.
Their unhesitant roars shook space itself. The challenge in front of them was just one of many. As soldiers of Heaven’s Army, they would absolutely make the universe proud.
But the Nox army remained unfazed.
“Hohoho! What a show you’ve put on for me!”
A voice came from behind the sea of black.
Within an instant, a man appeared across from the three branch managers.
“I didn’t expect to receive such a welcome. How can I repay you but give you the most blissful deaths in existence?”
The man smiled wickedly as he spoke. It was clear that he was here for war. He didn’t care about any sort of banter, sophistry, or politics.
Rilia gritted her teeth. This type of person who put their own will over any benefits was the hardest to deal with. In fact, it was almost impossible to reason with them.
“Humans! Hand over the killer of the Heavenly Demon Candidate and I, the great Aarish, shall spare your pathetic lives!”
The words he spouted were utter nonsense.
How were they supposed to hand over someone whose identity still hadn’t been uncovered?
Rilia looked to her left.
Jean nodded solemnly,
Her head turned right.
Geralt’s bloodthirsty gaze never moved from the Nox Commander named Aarish.
She could feel the breath of desire from the army behind her.
The thick killing intent they formed, and the even thicker hatred for the Nox that they held was suffocating.
She felt like she’d get swallowed by their momentum if she didn’t catch herself.
That’s when she realized it.
Once their reins were released, nothing would stop their march.
In that case…
She closed her eyes and steeled her mind. She ignored the provocative remarks of the Nox Commander before her.
And finally…
She roared with all her might.
And dropped those reins.
In the next instant…
The horses truly rampaged.