What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 797: We Found Him

“Waaaahhhh!!” He screamed, charging towards me with his fists raised.

Seriously, how did he not only break free from the paralysis but also broke free from the enchanted rope that had tied him to the chair?

I hugged Lisa and turned around to show him my back in order to shield Lisa from him.

But it turned out I didn’t even need to do that because Delmare suddenly did a running jump and drop kicked him away from me, sending the boy flying back to smash into the wall.

Oh damn… That was a pretty cool kick from my Siren though, not gonna lie.

Lisa quickly recovered and jumped off of me, though she was still practically naked at the moment.

She then turned to me and subtly nodded her head in the direction of Bracca.

I realised what she wanted me to do and I assumed my role as being the evil mastermind again.

“Nice try, Bracca~ I am quite surprised you actually managed to free yourself but did you forget that I am not alone here? Even better, did you forget that I can do something like this?”

I then made a show of turning to my Infrid lover, “Lisa? Can you believe he tried to hurt me? What are you going to do about it?”

Lisa fell into her role with relish, “Ahhhh!! Please forgive me, Mistress!! I will deal with this immediately!!”

She then turned to the boy who was in the midst of getting back up on his feet before she lunged towards him.

Bracca’s eyes widened when he saw Lisa leaping towards him and he barely managed to dive out of the way, only for her to kick out her foot and smash her knee into his abdomen.

The boy got sent flying back into the wall but Lisa wasn’t done as she pulled back her foot to throw another kick into his side.

Bracca let out a pained cry as the kick sent him rolling onto the ground.

I would like to point out that both Bracca and Lisa were currently naked at the moment. Well… Almost naked in Lisa’s case but you get the idea.

Lisa then raised up her fist in preparation to punch him and he quickly raised up his hands to block the punch.

“Lisa! Please wake up! You’re being controlled!! It’s me, Bracca!! You love me! This isn’t you!”

Lisa scoffed, “Mistress is my everything. You are nothing. Do you think you can compare to my Mistress? That’s impossible!”

She delivered another kick into his sternum, sending him tumbling back.

He rolled up onto a knee and glared at me, “You bitch! Fight me yourself if you dare! Stop using others to do your dirty work for you!”

I chuckled, “Ahahaha! Why would I even do that? Look, Lisa hates you even more than I do. I’m merely letting her take out her frustrations on you.”

“That’s all due to the potion you fed her! She would not be like this if it weren’t because of the potion!”

I smirked, this is definitely another thing I could use now.

“Oh really? Do you really think so?” I asked.

“I know so!”

“That’s perfect~ Because you see… I actually have the antidote to your potion right here~” I told him, reaching in my hand under my shirt to pull out a bottle from within.

His eyes widened, “Ho… How… How do you have something like that?”

I smirked, “Let’s say someone gave both the potion and the antidote to me.”

That was when his face changed into one of confusion, “Wait… You’re… You’re part of the group as well? You’re an Off-Worlder too?”


Wait, wait, wait… Is he…

Ok, calm down… Let’s just pretend that I was expecting this and get some confirmation from him…

I tried to act dumb, “Off-Worlder? I don’t know what you are talking about.”

Lisa also stopped, standing at the side to watch what was going on.

His confused face changed into one of exasperation as he stood up on his feet, dropping his guard against me.

“Come on… You got those from Master, didn’t you? He’s the only one who can make those… That means you’re from the Off-Worlder group right? I thought I was the only one who was sent here to Aerialla Academy. They didn’t tell me there would be another one.”

I narrowed my eyes at him, “Hold on… You’re part of the group? Prove it.”

He gestured to himself, “I am an Off-Worlder, like you.”

“No you’re not.”

“What do you mean? I am an Off-Worlder!”

“I have a skill that can let me know whether the other person is an Off-Worlder and it’s not… It’s not showing that you are.”

He frowned, “Then… I’m not sure what to tell you because I certainly am. Master found me and taught me all I know and revealed to me that I was a reincarnated Off-Worlder.”

Wait… Oh wow… I think I know what’s with his case…

He’s part of that Off-Worlder group but he himself isn’t an Off-Worlder.

That leader must have picked this guy up while he was still young and then indoctrinated this guy into their own ideals.

Holy crap… They aren’t just making use of Off-Worlders but they’re also making use of the locals by making them believe that they are Off-Worlders themselves.

I’m not even sure if that guy planned it from the start just so that he can make use of people like Bracca to sneak past people like me who could use [Screened]. Discover new content at m vl-em,py-r

If this was planned, I wonder just how many people were actually part of their group.

I tilted my chin at him, “If you’re really part of our group… What’s the name of our leader?”

He smirked, “Ha! Trick question! No one knows his name because he never told anyone his name!”

I acted like he had answered the question correctly and also made a show of lowering my guard, “Fine. So what the hell are you doing here? I thought I was the only one here.”

He shrugged, “I’m just here to find more new recruits that we could bring into our cause. What about you?”

I raised up my palm, “Hold up… If that’s what you’re supposed to be doing… Why are you trying to hook up with Lisa?”

He quickly returned to being angry at me again and pointed an accusatory finger at me, “That’s what I should be asking you! Why are you doing this to me?! I actually like her! Sure, it didn’t have anything to do with my mission but I actually genuinely fell in love with her!”

“So why the aphrodisiac?”

“I wanted to make sure that my confession to her would definitely be successful!”

That was when I realised something.

“Those aphrodisiacs were supposed to be used for you to convert potential recruits to your side, weren’t they? Have you used it on anyone else?” I asked.

He seemed to have the wrong idea that I was accusing him of misusing the aphrodisiac as he quickly lowered his head in shame. Searᴄh the Novelƒire(.)ne*t website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I… Sorry. Don’t tell our master…”

So he actually got so infatuated with Lisa that he chose to ignore his mission to get a chance to sleep with Lisa instead…

Well, I guess it’s good to know that he hadn’t used that on anyone else I guess.

“Do you know if there are any more Off-Worlders here then?” I asked.

He shook his head, “You’re the only one I know so far. What about you?”

“I don’t know any either,” I lied.

He then turned to look at Lisa, “So why did you do this to Lisa? Are you trying to recruit her or something? If you are… Could you give her to me instead?”

I felt a little mischievous so I tossed the antidote to the aphrodisiac to Lisa, “Why don’t you ask her yourself?”

My Infrid snatched the bottle out of the air and waited for my order for her to drink it.

When I told her to, she immediately unstoppered the bottle and downed its contents without hesitation.

Bracca then turned to Lisa the moment the bottle was empty, “Lisa! Are you ok?”

Lisa straightened herself and acted like she had just recovered from a dream, “What… What was… Eh?”

Bracca sighed in relief, “Lisa, you’re back! You still love me, right?”

Lisa looked at him, then at me, then back at Bracca.

She made a face at him, “Sorry Bracca… But I can no longer live without Aster’s love. I belong to Aster now.”

“E… Eh? Wha… What? But why?”

She giggled, “That’s because Aster’s cock is so wonderful! It made me feel so fulfilled! There’s nothing else in existence that can give me that same feeling~”

“But… But you said that… You saw the future where we were together?”

Lisa smirked, “Oh, I lied. What I saw was with Aster, not you.”

That was my cue as I struck Bracca with a [Static Bolt] to paralyse him.

Lisa then went ahead to knock him out with a quick blow to the back of his head, the boy crumpling onto the ground like a puppet with its strings cut.

Alright, so not only did we manage to cuck him, I also found the supposed Off-Worlder in this academy.

I see that as a win.

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