Chapter 804: A Siren Idol?
I returned to the mansion again and told the other girls about what happened at the palace.
Their reactions were, as I expected, quite mixed.
Mixed in the sense that they were divided on what they should be doing to the Off-Worlder… Because they were all united in believing they wanted to punish that Off-Worlder for even trying to attack me…
“Just tie him up and beat him up! Simple solutions are the best!” Odeta roared, punching her fists together.
Katsuki shook her head, “I think we should take him back here and lock him in the dungeons to tor– To interrogate him. Getting information from him is important.”
Lisa raised her hand slightly, “Oh I think we have a better use for a person like this! We can test all sorts of poisons on him to figure out how Off-Worlders work!”
“No no, we need to take all the money he has. He definitely has a lot of money right? We should just beat him up with it then cut off his limbs,” Emilia suggested.
“Aster? What do you think of my new song?” Delmare asked, showing me her notebook that she had written her new song in.
“Oh this looks really nice~ Are you going to sing it?” I asked, completely tuning out the discussion the other girls were having a short distance away.
I already told them about Levianne’s plan of dealing with the Off-Worlder so there wasn’t really a need for us to do anything. Thus, I wasn’t that worried about what they were discussing since I believe it wouldn’t matter in the end anyway.
That’s why I’m focusing more on my conversation with Delmare who was seated on my lap right now.
Delmare giggled, “Ehehe~ Shall I sing it for you right now, Aster?”
I tilted my head, “Wouldn’t that affect everyone else there?”
She blinked and it seemed like she completely forgot that they were even there in the first place.
“Ah… Sorry… I forgot…”
I patted her head, “It’s ok~ You can sing it to me later.”
“Umm… Could I ask for a kiss at least?” Delmare pleaded.
Eh? She seems more needy than normal for some reason?
She seemed to realise what I was thinking and she poked her fingers together, “Umm… I think… I think I just want a little more attention from you since… Umm… We haven’t really been spending time together…”
I blinked.
“Aren’t we doing that right now?” I whispered.
She blushed, “A… Alone…”
That’s right… I was reminded of my meeting with Aeta. She did say something about me not appreciating Delmare enough and I decided I should do something about it as well… I just got caught up with that Bracca incident and then this new guy’s appearance that I forgot again…
That’s not a good habit…
I turned back to look at the other girls who were still absorbed in their own discussion.
You know what… Let’s do this~
I picked up Delmare in my arms and left the room we were in.
Katsuki noticed me leaving but I nodded at her to let her know she did not need to follow me.
My Siren had wrapped her arms behind my neck as I slipped out of the room, not really having a set destination in mind right now,
Hmm… I guess we could just go to the back gardens… But if she wants to sing for me… I guess we could just go to my room… Oh wait!
“Wanna take a bath together? Just the two of us?” I asked.
She perked up at the suggestion, “Oh! That sounds like a great idea, Aster! Could we?”
I giggled, “Ehehe~ I did suggest it, didn’t I? Let’s go then~”
With Delmare in my arms, I went towards the baths.
I’m just saying… The reason why I chose to bring her to the baths was because there would be a large body of water for her to swim in and she would also be able to sing to me since the place was soundproof.
We entered the changing rooms and the both of us quickly stripped ourselves before I picked her up again to enter the baths.
I lowered my Siren carefully onto the edge of the bath and she slipped into it gracefully, leaving not even a splash as she entered the water.
I sat down at the edge of it before sliding in myself, enjoying the warmth of the water that enveloped me as I sunk into the bath.
Delmare swam out towards the centre of the bath before disappearing underneath the surface for a moment and then leaping out of the water like a dolphin.
I marvelled at the sight of my Siren’s beautiful form that remained in the air for a short moment before she dove back into the water again.
She then returned back to me with a shy smile on her face, “Thank you, Aster…”
“Hmm? Why do you need to thank me?”
She giggled, “Hehehe~ I know why you picked this place, Aster. It’s for me isn’t it?”
I smiled, “Maybe I just want to see you naked?”
“You don’t need to bring me to the baths to do that, Aster~”
That’s true…
I giggled, “Ok, you got me~ So do you want to sing right now?”
She swam closer to me until she slipped into my embrace, her chest pressing against mine while she rested her head on my shoulder.
I felt her tail shift itself until she was basically sitting on my lap again.
“Before that… I want to ask about that girl though… Ummm… What was her name again?”
“You mean Aeta? What about her?”
She nodded, “Ah yes, her. You told me she wanted to recruit me as the lead singer of her idol group, right?”
I tilted my head, “Are you thinking about taking up the offer?”
Delmare straightened herself quickly, “Oh no, no, no! Definitely not!”
“Then do you want to sing for an audience again?”
She looked me in the eye, “Aster… You are the only audience I need or even want. I don’t care about singing for anyone else aside from you.”
I scratched my cheek in embarrassment, “Umm… It’s ok if you want to sing for someone else though… I don’t mind…”
“If Aster wants me to sing for others, I wouldn’t mind doing it for you. But I’m only interested in gaining your approval for my songs.”
“Umm… Thank you, Delmare… So why did you bring that girl up?”
She hesitated for a moment, “I… I was wondering if Aster wanted to start… Start your own idol group?”
I blinked at her, “You mean… You want me to start a group to become her competitor or something?”
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She poked her fingers together shyly, “Some… Something like that…”
“I thought… Since she was so rude to you… Maybe if I were to become a competitor, I could ruin her business as revenge for doing that to you. You know… Like showing her that you have me whom she could not obtain for herself~”
Oh wow… I didn’t think Delmare could actually think of a plan like that just to get back at her…
This is actually quite mean if you ask me… Because I know for a fact that if Delmare were to start her own idol group, her singing alone would be able to draw crowds even without using her magic.
Aeta’s group would definitely not be able to compete with her at all…
I waved my hand quickly, “No, no, no… There’s no need to do that to her, Delmare. We’ve… Well, not really but… I think we kind of made peace with this and we figured that it was all just a misunderstanding. Since we also captured Bracca, the rumours he was spreading should also be cleared up soon enough and she would know that she was mistaken this entire time.”
She huffed, “If she doesn’t come to apologise to you at least… Please allow me to do this.”
“Don’t go ruining other people’s lives, Delmare… The girls in that idol group didn’t do anything wrong…”
“Uuu… I guess so… Hmph… Alright, if she doesn’t apologise to you, I’ll appear in one of their shows and sing one song before disappearing from the scene. How about that?”
Oh geez, she’s really, really upset with Aeta huh?
“Fine… That’s assuming she doesn’t apologise to me, ok?” I conceded.
“I’ll give her a week. If she doesn’t apologise to you by the end of next week, I’m doing it.”
“Ok, ok… Geez, Delmare… I didn’t know you held that big of a grudge against her.”
She nuzzled my cheek, “That’s nothing… Odeta seemed to be planning on beating up those boys who insulted you that day as well, Aster.”
Oh gods… I better go talk to her later about this then… Please don’t go bullying kids, Odeta…
Delmare then decided to change the topic, “Shall I sing for you now, Aster? I wanna sing for you~”
I giggled, “Ehehehe~ Alright~ Thank you for singing for me as always~”
I did enjoy a nice private serenade in the baths with Delmare that day.
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