Chapter 807: It Was A Trap?
This time, instead of walking through the front door of the palace openly, I decided to sneak there instead.
That’s just in case that Off-Worlder was tracking me or something.
Right now, I’m not sure if he knew that me, the Aster from Aerialla Academy, was also the Young Mistress of the Nilm Family so I would rather be safe.
I still don’t know why he tried to bomb the classroom and whether this was purely because of Bracca or for some other reason.
Heck, I don’t even know if this was even an isolated incident. For all I know, he might have also bombed other places around the capital city.
Just because that thought came to mind, I used [Shadow Wall] to hide myself and flew up into the sky to take a look around the city first.
Circling above the city, I felt a little relieved to see that everything seemed normal and there weren’t any broken buildings or smoke rising up through the air. Read latest stories on m_v-l’e-NovelFire
That means there shouldn’t have been any other bombs aside from the one that was in our class.
At least… I hope so.
I angled myself down towards the direction of the palace and flew towards it, aiming for one of the balconies near the top of the palace.
Flaring my wings to slow my descent, I landed on the balcony without a sound before folding my wings and retracting them into my back.
I approached the door and… Ah… It’s locked…
Err… Let’s see… Can I peek inside the room? Oh good, I can.
I tried to summon another Shadow Guard and… Oh~ It works.
My new Shadow Guard greeted me from the other side of the balcony door with a low bow before stepping towards the door to unlock the latch from her side of the door.
Damn, isn’t this skill pretty broken?
If I find a door that is locked but the door could be unlocked from the other side… This skill could let me bypass it entirely.
Well, I’m obviously not going to complain about it.
I stepped inside the room from the balcony while drinking a mana potion to recover the mana I used in summoning the new Shadow Guard.
With my mana replenished, I got ready to use [Shadow Wall] again when the door to the room I was in opened.
I quickly got my Shadow Guard to hide into my shadow while I cast my [Shadow Wall] spell on myself before moving into the corner of the room to hide.
It took me a moment to realise that I didn’t actually need to hide since I was already wearing my [Mask Of Impossible Identity] anyway so the people here should know who I was.
Just as I was about to step out of the shadows to reveal myself, I realised the person who entered was wearing a hooded cloak which reminded me of the thief I met in the Armoury.
No way… Don’t tell me this is another guy who is being controlled by that Off-Worlder?
I tried to use [Screened] on the one who just entered and, sure enough, the stats screen that showed up was a bunch of errors.
God damn it, why does it seem like there’s so many things that can counter the [Screened] boon? At this point, I might as well assume that anyone who can hide from it is an Off-Worlder…
Oh wait, Lisa also had an artefact that could fool the [Screened] boon as well…
Putting that aside… I wonder what this guy is trying to do? And more importantly… How the hell did he manage to sneak in here?
Then again… I did the same thing as well so I guess I was in no position to talk…
I stayed where I was and waited in the corner of the room to see what he would do.
The cloaked guy closed the door behind him before looking around the room.
This place looks like it was a bedroom of some sort since there was a four poster bed at the other end of the room that was opposite a fireplace that was right beside me.
The cloaked guy noticed that the balcony doors were open and seemed to pause for a moment before he turned towards the bed.
I wonder if he realised that there was someone else in the room?
Thankfully, it didn’t look like he did since he turned away and went towards the bed instead.
I watched as he pulled out a bag from under his cloak before opening it up to pull out what I feared he would… It was another plastic explosive…
He then started fiddling with the explosive which I assume was him trying to activate it.
Once he was done, he slid the bomb underneath the bed before taking a step back from it.
Why is he planting a bomb here? Whose room is this?
Wait… This can’t be the Queen’s room, can it?
Damn… Now that I think about it… This could actually be Justinia and Levianne’s room after all…
I was just about to step out and attack the cloaked gut but unexpectedly, he turned towards my direction like he knew I was there before pulling back his hood to reveal the mask on his face.
I knew it! Wait, why is he looking here?
The mask on his face suddenly shimmered and disappeared like it was an illusion, revealing a middle aged male Mahun underneath the mask.
Wait… What? What is he doing?
He then sucked in a breath before yelling out at the top of his lungs, “You! Who are you?! What are you doing here?! What are you doing underneath the bed?!”
What the heck?
There was a commotion from outside the room before the thunder of footsteps could be heard running towards us.
Soon enough, several guards rushed into the room and looked around, wondering what the shouting was about.
The cloaked guy immediately pointed at the place I was hiding, “There! Right there! She tried to do something to the Queen’s bed!”
Ok… First of all, I’m surprised to learn that this was indeed the Royal Chambers where the King and Queen would sleep. Because the room seemed quite simple in design as compared to the rooms back in Mother’s home.
Second of all… How the heck does he know that I am here?!
The new guards who just entered the room turned to look at my hiding spot and a frown appeared on their faces.
At first I thought that their frown meant that they were unable to see me but unexpectedly, all three of them drew their weapons and pointed at me.
“Who are you?! What are you doing here?!” One of them shouted, waving his sword in my direction.
What?! How?! My spell is working, right?! They shouldn’t even be able to see me since this place was literally in the shadows which would have allowed me to meld with it!
Don’t tell me they have some kind of enchantment here that allows the guards to see through things like invisibility or something?!
No… Another possibility is that all these guards here were also being controlled by him?
He literally just showed me that he could hide the mask that I had thought was a sure way to tell that someone was being controlled by him.
I don’t know if he did this on purpose or not because he literally just showed me that I was unable to trust anyone at all since anyone around me could be under his control.
And as though this was all planned, a new group of people entered the room, revealing themselves to be the Queen and her guards.
“What is going on here?” She demanded.
Oh good, I could just tell her what I saw and capture that guy to break the mask.
I stepped out from the shadows and undid my spell, allowing me to appear in front of them.
Before I could say anything though, the same guy pointed his finger at me, “Your Majesty! I caught this suspicious person in your room and doing something under your bed! Look! This is what I found!”
He then reached underneath the bed and pulled out the explosive that he had literally planted himself to show the Queen.
Hmph… This little trick of yours might have worked on someone else who isn’t close to the Queen but too bad for you, Levianne and I–
Levianned raised her hand and all the guards drew their weapons to point at me, causing me to freeze in surprise.
Levianne scowled at me, “You think we didn’t prepare for you, did you? This was a trap set up for you. Guards, take her away. I want to interrogate her myself.”
Wait, what?!
No, no, no… Don’t tell me that this guy managed to control Levianne with the mask as well?!
Fuck! Did the Queen fall into his trap and then get herself dominated by his artefact too?! Is that why she hasn’t gotten back to me all this time because she was already under his control?!
Noooooo!!! This can’t be!!
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