Chapter 827: Dungeons Might Have Weird Conditions
Those girls actually insisted that I kept all the parts from the boss instead of claiming the horns like we had agreed on.
According to them, they could not take the parts in good conscience since they claimed that they would have definitely died there if I wasn’t with them.
I did tell them that I believed the reason there were so many summons was due to the fact that there were more of us. Despite that, they still insisted on it.
Deciding that it would save me more time to just agree with them instead of arguing, I just let them do what they asked.
They then started disassembling the monster but I made Eins join them to increase the efficiency.
For this particular case, they did not protest since the boss would disappear rather quickly if there was someone waiting outside the boss room and we’ll lose whatever parts we did not extract.
We finished cutting it up in record time before we headed down the stairs to the next floor.
I was expecting to appear in another labyrinth type floor but surprisingly, it was another boss floor.
The good news is that I believe this was the final floor since I do not see another set of stairs at the very back of the room.
The bad news is that the final boss of this Dungeon looked like it was going to be a pain to kill.
Unlike the normal hall that the other bosses appeared in, this particular boss was standing on top of a hill with a large stretch of open plain leading up to it.
A large double bladed axe rested on his back and he had his arms crossed like he was daring us to challenge him.
I have a feeling he’s also going to summon more minotaurs and we have to fight a literal uphill battle just to get to him to fight him. Discover exclusive tales on m,v l’
Let’s see what [Screened] says first…
[Name: Dungeon Minotaur Warband Leader
Race: Monster
350 Strength
60 Dexterity
380 Endurance
300 Magic
Leadership (Tier 2), Martial Skill -(Axe Proficiency (Tier 2), Unarmed Proficiency (Tier 2))
Magic Skills:
Electromancy (Tier 1), Pyromancy (Tier 1)
Unique Skill:
Challenger, At My Command]
Oh wow… This guy has not one but two Unique Skills? Are you guys sure this is only a D ranked Dungeon and not a C ranked one?
Well, either way, I’m still going to fight him.
I turned to the four girls, “I think it’s better if we were to part ways here. I cannot guarantee your safety if you were to follow us into that boss room.”
The warrior girl pursed her lips, “Umm… If it’s alright with you… Could we take a moment to discuss this?”
I tilted my head at her, “Discuss? What is there to discuss? That’s a Dungeon Minotaur Warband Leader, you know? Are you able to face that monster on your own?”
“If… If we were to just fight him and only him with our party, yes.”
“And I think we both know that this guy’s going to summon more minotaurs the moment we enter, right? And it seems like the number of minotaurs the bosses summon may scale to the size of the party… Don’t you think it’s a bad idea to continue as a large group?”
“That’s why we want to discuss this… We have some information about this monster. We researched on it before we came to this Dungeon, you see…”
Oh? Ok, that got my attention.
I nodded at her to go ahead.
She gestured to the boss monster, “That particular boss monster would not only summon more minotaurs when a Dungeoneer enters the room, but they will just keep replenishing any defeated minotaurs by summoning more until you reach the top of the hill.”
“Eh? In that case, couldn’t we just throw spells or even shoot arrows at the boss from the bottom of the hill to defeat him?”
“That’s the other problem… If my sources are not wrong, a shield would appear around the boss monster the moment the battle starts, preventing him from receiving any damage. In order to defeat the boss, we would need to fight our way to the shield and even then, only one person is able to enter it to challenge the boss.”
I tilted my head, “That kind of sounds like an unfair fight? Not only would a normal party be exhausted by the time they reach the top, they still have to send someone to fight him one on one? What if no one in your party is strong enough to solo this boss?”
“There’s a small advantage given to challengers. Should the first Dungeoneer fall when fighting the boss, they do not die. Instead, they are put in a sort of suspended animation and the next party member can enter the shield to challenge the boss.
The challenge will continue until either the boss is defeated or the entire party is wiped out, which would then kill everyone in the party in the latter case.”
“That sounds really convoluted… I didn’t even know Dungeons could have conditions like this…”
“They’re quite rare but there are a few with different rules. The weirdest I’ve seen is one where the Boss monster could only be damaged when someone in the party was being pleasured sexually… The common tactic was to have someone masturbate in the corner while the rest of the party fought against that boss…”
Ok, since I know that Hiandoca was the one who made these Dungeons, I’m pretty sure that was just an excuse for her to see the mortals getting freaky in her Dungeons…
I sighed, “Alright… So what’s your plan?”
“The ‘suspended animation’ state also applies to the rest of the party when fighting up the hill, so we would only die if the entire party is wiped. That’s why, please allow us to lead the charge so that you can preserve your strength for the final challenge with the boss!”
Hmm… I’m not gonna lie… Having them along would be pretty useless.
I could do this tactic with my Shadow Guards and I’m pretty sure we could do it with no casualties as well.
But I just need to know a few things before I decide…
“When you are placed in the suspended animation state… Would you be aware of what is happening around you?” I asked.
“Ah… Umm… I believe what I heard was that people only knew they won when they opened their eyes again so it felt like a ‘blink and everything changed’ to those who had been defeated during the boss challenge.”
Oh good, that means I don’t need to worry about my secrets being leaked.
“And why are you so eager to join us in fighting this boss?”
She hesitated, as though thinking about whether she should tell the truth or maybe she should attempt to lie about it.
It only took her a few seconds before she responded, “This would be our first D rank Dungeon completion… If we can help you beat that boss… That would make all of us D ranked Dungeoneers. We can’t let such a chance go to waste when we have the luck to meet such a strong team that is willing to help us!”
Ok, she sounds quite truthful about it so I assume that was really the truth.
“But… Even if you get the rank, you didn’t get it from your own abilities right? Wouldn’t that just be trouble for you if you were to use this to get into higher ranked Dungeons?”
“We know our limits, so there’s no need to worry about that. But getting that new rank would also open up more opportunities for us! We would be able to use that to bring our party strength up! If we were to do this on our own, we might need another year or so to get to this part! Please grant us this chance! We’re not afraid of facing the boss with you!”
Hmm… I’m pretty sure she was exaggerating the ‘needing another year’ to get here since they managed to get to the floor above us without our help in the first place…
Maybe I’ll give them a few weeks at most where they would need to go back and prepare for the final fight with this boss but that’s about it.
Still, I understand that they really didn’t want to let this opportunity go because they believe I would be able to defeat this boss anyway so that would be a guaranteed success for them. Thus, they would try their best not to pass up on this.
I nodded at them, “Fine then. I will accept your plan. You’ll lead the charge towards the boss and we’ll follow behind you. Should you guys fall, we will take your place and beat the final boss for you.”
The girls looked at me with determined faces, “We won’t let you down! Leave it to us!”
Well… I’m really not expecting much though but I shall refrain from telling them that…
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