Chapter 847: The 'Lucky' Ones Get To Dance
I am stuffed~
I think I’ve eaten way more sweets for this birthday than any other birthday I have had so far…
And I think I’m having a food coma right now…
I was leaning in my chair and staring at the ceiling, feeling quite satisfied over all the sweets that I have eaten.
I shook slightly and turned to Katsuki who had seemingly appeared out of thin air beside me, “Hababah?”
I think I heard a few moans somewhere but it felt more like it was a hallucination than something that was actually happening.
Yep… I’m pretty sure that I was still out of it after eating that many sweets…
Katsuki gave me a serious look, “Mistress. It’s time for the dance.”
Err… I think I’m currently dreaming right now because I think I heard Katsuki saying that it’s time for a dance or something? Yep… I think I should wake up now…
“Umm… If you would allow me, Katsuki?”
“Mmm… Please go ahead, Miss Delmare.”
Eh? I think I heard Delmare’s voice coming from somewhere… Oh look~ There she is~ Ehehehe~ Hello, Delmare~ Do you come here often?
Hmm? She’s getting so close to me… She smells nice~
Ehehehe~ She’s leaning on my boobies~ Squish~
Her lips suddenly connected with mine and we shared a kiss.
I found myself suddenly coming awake and I realised that this was not a dream at all.
I kissed her back and she tilted her head to the side to suck on my lower lip for a while before pulling back.
“Good morning, Aster~” She greeted me.
I was even more awake now as I quickly looked out the window of the hall, only to see that it was early evening instead of morning.
Delmare giggled, her tail slapping against the ground lightly, “Sorry~ I didn’t mean that it was morning already. But welcome back~”
I groaned, “How long was I out?”
Katsuki was the one who answered instead, “An hour or two, Mistress. Everyone has finished their cake.”
“Right… Umm… I’m not sure if I was imagining things but you said something about a dance?”
She nodded, “Yes, Mistress. The last event of the night is a dance with the guests.”
“Wait… All of them?” I asked, wondering just how long she wanted me to dance, seeing that there were at least a hundred people there.
Even if I were to only dance with each person for five minutes, that’s going to take me eight hours!
“Do not worry Mistress, there will be a lottery to determine who gets to dance with you and we are only selecting ten people at most.”
Oh, ok. That sounds like a more reasonable number at least.
I then leaned forward slightly and whispered, “Is the lottery rigged?”
Without even a moment’s hesitation, Katsuki answered, “No, Mistress. This one would be legitimate.”
Well, good to know that she wasn’t denying the fact that the judges they picked for the sweets tasting earlier was completely rigged.
Well, I guess I don’t really mind since the ones who had come to this party for other reasons aside from celebrating my birthday had already left the party.
Looking towards the centre of the hall, it looks like they have already cleared the tables away to make an area in the centre for a dance floor.
The only thing left was a small table and a box with a hole cut out at the top.
No doubt the box was filled with the names of everyone in this room and I was supposed to stick my hand in that box to draw out names to see who I would dance with.
I got up from my seat after Delmare did and Katsuki guided me to the box. Your journey continues with mvl
There was a rather noticeable tension in the air so I suspect that everyone had already been told what was going to happen next and everyone was waiting to see who would be the first to dance with me.
Sticking my hand inside the box, I rummaged around until I randomly grabbed onto a piece of paper and pulled it out.
Katsuki stretched out her hand to me and I handed it to her, my Inugami maid unfolding it to read out the name written on the paper.
“For the first dance… Her Majesty, Queen Levianne.”
Everyone turned to look at the Queen who was practically grinning from ear to ear, “Oh my, my~ I never thought I would get chosen~ Fufufu~ My apologies everyone, but I shall be taking Aster’s first dance of the night~”
The Queen strutted up to me and stretched out her hand to me, “May I have the honour of your first birthday dance, Aster?”
I mean… There was no way I was going to turn the Queen down of all people right?
“Of course, your Majesty, It would be my honour,” I curtsied before taking her hand.
As for the others, some of them had also paired up to join the dance while the others watched. I’m pretty sure they were encouraged to join even if they had no dance experience anyway.
Levianne pulled me over to her and we assumed the pose for a ballroom waltz, something that I was familiar with since it was part of my studies of acting like a noble.
This wasn’t my first dance either so I wasn’t that nervous, even if it was Levianne I was dancing with.
No wait, I’m not nervous precisely because it was Levianne that I was dancing with.
As we started to dance in tune with the song, she spun us around the hall with obvious glee.
“Fufufu~ Are you having fun, Aster?” She asked, lowering her voice to just barely above a whisper.
I nodded, “I am having fun, your Majesty.”
“Fufufu~You’re too stiff, Aster~ You should let yourself loose a bit more you know? Everyone here has chosen to attend your party to celebrate you. There’s no need for you to hold back~”
I actually don’t think I was holding myself back that much though… In fact, I was a little afraid that it might be a little too obnoxious on my part.
Like hey, I just invited them to show them my real identity here as the heir of the Nilm Family, you know? Pretty sure that’s a little obnoxious…
As though reading my mind, the Queen giggled, “Showing people who you really are isn’t a bad thing, Aster. It shows that you trust them~”
“Kind of a moot point if their memories are going to get wiped afterwards though…”
“Fufufu~ Isn’t that just another reason not to hold back? You have no need to worry about people remembering about what you have done anyway~”
I did a spin before turning back to her, “But you would remember, won’t you? As will the others.”
“Oh my~ Does it matter if we would remember?”
“Err… Of course? I do care about your opinions of me after all…”
“Ehehehe~ I care about you too, Aster~ Such a shame that Madam Nilm isn’t here right now though~”
Truth be told, I was expecting Mother to appear sometime later in the party so I’m guessing she was going to wait until everyone else had already left before she showed up.
We danced for a little while more before the music ended, prompting me to separate from the Queen and curtsy to her while she did the same.
I went over to Katsuki who had moved the box to the side and she bid me to draw another name from the box.
I reached in and rummaged around until I pulled out another folded piece of paper from the box and handed it over to Katsuki.
She unfolded the paper before reading the name out loud, “Cornia Hevian.”
The girl let out an “Eep!” sound when she heard her name being called.
I turned and realised that it was Cornia, the girl in my Iatromancy class who was forced to take that class because they thought she was useless.
Last I remember, she’s from a Baron family and they no longer think of her as useless.
Despite being called, she stayed rooted to the spot and only stepped forward after someone beside her pushed her forward.
I reached out my hand to her, “May I have this dance, Cornia?”
She was switching her gaze between my hand and my face.
“Can I… Can I touch you, Lady Aster?”
Geez, I think because of the fact that she’s from a noble family, she’s even more conscious of me than the others.
I nodded at her, “Of course you can.”
She let out another “Eep!” cutely before she slipped her hand into mine.
I held her hand and led her to the dance floor as the music started to play once again.
The girl was completely frozen up so I had to lead her, spinning the both of us around the hall.
I could feel that she was still feeling a little awkward so I tried to reassure her that everything was ok by giving her a smile.
The moment I did so, her eyes rolled to the back of her head and her body went limp.
Did she just faint?
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