Chapter 862: There's A Lot Of Monsters
I entered the Dungeon with Eins leading the way.
I had her equip herself with a sword and shield to act as our tank. Behind her was Zwei who was using a bow and arrow acting as our ranger and Drei beside her with twin swords as our assault.
At the back were Vier, whom I had directed to wield a halberd, and Funf, whom I had directed to act as our mage and support.
Normally, I would occupy that last role but I’m not entirely sure that I would be able to concentrate well enough to fulfil that position since a certain someone was currently clinging to me like her life depended on it as we descended the steps to the first floor of the Dungeon.
“Ehehehe~ You feel so warm, Aster~ And you smell so nice too~ Just being near you made me feel so hot~” Lisa moaned, stuffing my arm in between her boobs as she clung to me.
“Seriously… Did the fact that you acted as a Divine Vassal for Hiandoca make you like this?” I asked.
She giggled, “On the contrary actually… I think the fact that you were in her presence made you even more desirable to me~ Ahhh~ Goddess Hiandoca had promised me a gift for allowing her to use my body but I didn’t think I would receive it like this~”
“Isn’t it bad to be distracted while we’re in the Dungeon though?”
“Ehehehe~ Don’t worry, Aster~ I’ll always protect you~”
I was thinking of me protecting her instead but I guess I’ll just leave it at that since she looks like she’s having the time of her life right now.
Anyway, I believe my Shadow Guards should be able to handle any–
My thoughts were cut off as a metallic clang came from the front as soon as we reached the first floor.
Eins shoved the goblin that attacked her away, sending the monster flying back to crash into three more goblins behind it.
There was a warcry as we found ourselves in the middle of an intersection where an entire goblin camp had been set up at the bottom of the stairs with numbers reaching well over two dozens of them.
It didn’t even take a second for my Shadow Guards to react as they already knew about the threat the moment Eins had spotted them.
Zwei pulled back her bow and fired three arrows in quick succession, hitting three goblin archers right in the head and killing them before they could even draw their arrows.
Funf had also shot out a [Spark Strike] at a Goblin Mage, stopping the monster mid chant as his spell chant changed into screams of pain.
“Lisa–” I tried to call out as a warning to her, only to see her raising her hand in the air.
Light seemed to wrap around not only her but it seemed to also extend itself to me as well.
Just as I was wondering if she was trying to create armour for both of us, she suddenly hopped on my back to latch onto me right as the light solidified itself, turning into a full suit of armour around me.
Except… The back part of the armour had an extra compartment for Lisa where she could ride on my back…
“Ehehehe~ I can’t believe I never thought of this before~” My Infrid giggled, her mouth directly beside my ear. “This way I can always stay with you!”
I’ll deal with the goblins first before I deal with this Infrid of mine…
The goblins had already rallied themselves and were charging at me, though they weren’t charging as a coherent unit but as a mob instead.
Since I was already wearing armour thanks to Lisa anyway, I joined the front lines with my two swords held at my side, protecting our left flank from the goblin mob.
Since the Dungeon wasn’t completely lit up, the Shadow Sword in my right hand was invisible so it looked like I was only using one sword.
Six of the goblins veered off to rush towards me, all of them growling and snarling as they raised their weapons threateningly at me.
One of them peeled away from the group to reach me first, leaping up to cover the last few metres to try and strike me with his club that he had raised over head.
I easily blocked the blow by raising my light sword to block it before I immediately thrusted my right hand forward, impaling the invisible blade through his chest.
The goblin let out a gasp of surprise and looked down, clearly confused why his chest had been pieced through.
I flung him away without a second thought, just in time to see the second goblin that had been following behind the first one get shot down by several arrows from Zwei.
The death of their comrades did not even seem to bother the other goblins in the slightest as they continued their mad rush towards me.
The third goblin had a spear that he was trying to impale me with and was just charging straight at me with the tip of his spear aimed at my chest.
I didn’t even bother trying to deflect it as I had full faith in Lisa’s armour.
Sure enough, the spear snapped off as soon as it hit the armour, the bladed tip clattering against the ground noisily. Your next chapter is on M V L
The goblin had a moment to look down at his broken spear in stunned silence before I decapitated him with my Light Sword.
The next goblin thought that I was vulnerable after swinging my sword and quickly lunged forward with his own blade, completely forgetting that my armour had practically broken one of his comrade’s spears when he tried the same thing.
Too bad for him, I had a longer reach so I went ahead to stab my ’empty’ hand forward, letting the goblin run straight into the blade with his face and impaling himself on it.
I twisted my hand to pull out my blade from the head of the goblin, letting his corpse drop onto the ground.
An arrow struck me in the shoulder plate of my armour, deflecting off of it without leaving a mark.
I looked up to see where the arrow had come from, intending to take out the archer that shot it at me.
Unfortunately for me, Vier got to him first and it felt like she had some personal grudge with him or something because she stabbed his chest with the pointed tip of her halberd to lift him up into the air before slamming him back down.
The goblin wasn’t dead yet which seemed to be what she was aiming for because she followed up the ground slam with a swing of her halberd, except she had smacked the goblin with the flat side of the axe instead of the blade.
The resounding snap of the teeth in his mouth shattering could be heard from here and I’m surprised his head didn’t just explode from that amount of force.
She then stabbed him again with the pointed tip of her spear before flinging him up into the air and finally finishing him off with a cleave of her halberd, cutting the goblin’s head off in midair.
Not wanting to be outdone by my Shadow Guards, I looked for the next opponent.
Only to find that all the other goblins were already dead.
Well, that was fast… I don’t think I even killed a quarter of them myself… Not that I’m complaining of course.
Guess we should just start to loot this–
A howl came from down the corridor, interrupting my thoughts of looting the goblins.
I turned in the direction of the howl just in time to see a new monster appear from around the corner.
At first I thought it might be a wolf until it stood up on its hind legs and I realised the monster looked more like a hyena than a wolf.
A monster I’ve never met before…
[Name: Dungeon Gnoll Youngling
Race: Monster
50 Strength
35 Dexterity
30 Endurance
20 Magic]
Huh, not too bad I would say. Shouldn’t be that hard to deal with. In fact, I could probably just kill it from here with a [Laser] or something.
That was when even more Gnoll Younglings turned from around the corner, numbering even more than the goblins we had fought earlier.
Then, as if that wasn’t enough, the sound of a horn being blown came from the opposite corridor and I turned there to see another warband of goblins appearing from around that corner.
Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, another roar came from the corridor in front of us and this time it was a group of Dungeon Minotaurs, all of them wielding two handed axes and glaring right at us.
What the heck is with this number of monsters?! Is this what happens when no one clears out a Dungeon?!
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