Chapter 864: We Forgot About Traps
“So I guess this Dungeon is going to be specialising in massive group vs group combat huh…” I remarked casually.
Lisa, who had remained hanging on my back the entire time, hummed, “Hmmm~ It seems like it~ If anything happens, Aster can just throw your Shadow Guards at them and run away, ok?”
Surprisingly, Eins turned back to respond to that, “As she has suggested Master. If things get dangerous, please do not hesitate to run away. We will willingly sacrifice ourselves to ensure your safety and prevent the danger from reaching you..”
“Umm… Thank you. Though I would try to get all of you out if I can and avoid unnecessary sacrifices.”
Eins shook her head, “No, Master. Even if we were to die, we can always reform if you summon us again. But if you were to perish, all of us will also cease to exist. There is no question who should be sacrificed in such a situation. No matter what, please allow us to sacrifice ourselves should an unreasonable situation or monster appears.”
Ok, this is a surprise… I wasn’t expecting Eins to be so vocal about this.
“That is natural, Master,” Eins answered, having read my thoughts. “You are the most important existence to us. We will do anything to serve you.”
Lisa immediately blurted out, “I’m also willing to do anything to serve you too, Aster! To be more specific, please let me be your cocksleeve!”
Zwei and Drei suddenly moved to hug my arms from both sides, their voices lowering to a whisper.
“If Master desires so, we will be happy to serve Master in that way as well.”
Lisa bristled at that, “Ha?! No, no! The position of Aster’s cocksleeve belongs to me! I call dibs on that!”
“Master can have more than one cocksleeve.”
“Well fine! But I get to be the main cock sleeve!”
Eins tilted her head at Lisa, “But I am the only one who can materialise in front of Master to serve her whenever and wherever she is. You are not able to do that. Should that not make us the main one instead?”
“Hmph! It’s about the quality! I’m clearly the better one!”
“Are you saying that you are superior to Master? We are, after all, a copy of Master herself.”
“Pfft, an inferior copy more like. There’s no way there’s any magic in this World that can replicate Aster perfectly!”
“And we are still the closest to Master than anyone else.”
Lisa clicked her tongue, “Go fuck yourself.”
“If Master wishes for us to do that, we would gladly do that.”
I had to butt in there, “Ok… I don’t know why you two are even arguing about being my cocksleeve because there’s no such position, ok?”
Like seriously, the last thing I thought I would deal with today was seeing my Shadow Guards and Lisa arguing about who gets to be my cocksleeve…
If only the others–
I froze and looked underneath my foot, my stomach dropping when I saw the tile I was stepping on had sunk into the ground, a clear sign that I had just stepped on a pressure plate.
The walls behind and in front of us slid closed, blocking our way out and locking us in.
All of us immediately settled into combat stances, expecting monsters to appear from the side walls or something to ambush us.
Even Lisa had tensed up and her humming stopped to cast her [Light Forge] spell to create the same armour over us once again.
We held our position for about a minute but nothing happened.
What the heck?
I straightened myself and looked around.
“This isn’t like a death trap or something, right? Where we are stuck here to die and can’t get out?” I muttered.
Right as I said that, the floor underneath us lit up to reveal a large magic circle being activated right underneath us.
I only had a moment to realise this was a teleportation trap before the light emanating from the magic circle forced me to close my eyes.
I felt a sense of weightlessness for a moment before my feet touched the ground again.
When I opened my eyes, I found myself alone in a room with a door directly in front of me.
“Aster! Are you ok?!” I heard Lisa’s voice cry out to my right.
Turning to the side, I realised that the walls were translucent and I could see Lisa in a similar room like mine banging against the wall. Behind her was another room that was exactly the same and Eins was the occupant of that room.
I then turned to look at the other side and I realised that Zwei, Drei, Vier and Funf were also inside individual rooms in that order.
What kind of trap is this?
“Aster?! Are you alright?” Lisa repeated her question again.
I waved at her, “I’m ok… Are you hurt?”
“Not at all. What should we do now?”
“Stand back,” I warned her, pulling back my fist as I walked towards the translucent wall.
She realised what I was trying to do and immediately complied, allowing me to punch the wall with my full strength without worry.
Unfortunately, that did not even leave a mark and even after I tried to buff myself, the wall remained unperturbed by my efforts to break it.
I then tried to recall Eins and the others back into my shadow but that didn’t work since they could not reach me. Even trying to teleport to the next room didn’t work either, like I could not place the portal on the other side of the wall for some reason.
“Damn… I guess we have to continue forward?” I guessed.
Lisa also looked at the door in front of her, “Maybe the next room is linked?”
The front wall was the only one that was opaque so we could not see what was beyond the door. Somehow that made it even more concerning in my opinion.
I walked up to it and the rest followed my lead, all of us pulling open the door at the same time.
When I saw what was in the next room, I felt a little surprised.
“A… Dungeon Goblin?” I said aloud.
Continue your story on M V L
Looking to the sides, it looks like everyone also has the same monster in the next room. It was even armed with the same broken wooden shield and club as well as the snarled at the person who just entered their room.
Behind the goblin was another door which I assume we could only open after beating the goblin.
“I guess since the specialty of this Dungeon was group on group combat… This trap was designed to split the party up and force each team member to do a solo fight to advance?” I guessed.
Lisa grimaced, “I think that might be what’s going on here…”
“Well… At least this trap is located on the first floor so I don’t think they will throw anything unbeatable at us. Let’s just kill the goblin and move on.”
Everyone answered an affirmative and we advanced towards our own goblins who had not made any moves and were purely focused on guarding the door behind them.
I brandished my Light Sword and lunged forward to pierce through its shield and head in one smooth thrust, killing the monster instantly.
I pulled back and looked at the rest of my companions, all of them dispatching their own goblins easily as well.
Lisa turned to me, standing over the goblin she had killed with her [Laser] and I nodded to indicate we should proceed.
Walking up to the door, we once again pulled it open and this time, there were two goblins in the room.
Damn… Don’t tell me the numbers will just keep increasing?”
Thankfully, none of us had problems dealing with one more goblin so this room was also cleared easily, allowing all of us to step into the next room at the same time.
I thought we would see three goblins but surprisingly, this time it went back to one goblin but it was better equipped with a proper round shield and mace.
I see… So each room we move to, the difficulty of clearing it will increase…
The only problem is that I don’t know how many of these rooms we need to clear before we can escape this trap…
I guess we have no choice but to just continue forward…
The goblin was also defeated quite easily and we were allowed to proceed to the next room.
The next room was a strange one however, as my room had a single chair for me to sit on.
To my left, my Shadow Guards also had the same arrangement so that was consistent.
The difference came from the other side when I realised that Eins and Lisa had entered a large room that was connected to both of their doors so they were now together in the same room.
And in their room, instead of having a chair, the room only had a single sign with the words ‘Two orgasms needed to move to the next room’.
I really want to strangle Hiandoca right now…
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