Re: Blood and Iron

Chapter 302 The True Meaning of Christmas

Despite the use of tanks on the Western Front in a bold push on Christmas day at the Belgian border. The attack was ultimately repulsed. With several dozen Allied tanks destroyed, and a few hundred men slain, one could easily tell that this was nothing more than an attempt to gauge the fortifications at the border and their ability to defeat armored vehicles.

Even so, it wasn’t treated as anything much by the German high command. Who were more focused on moving troops, supplies, and most importantly their own armor from the Balkans to the Alps. Rearmament, resupply, and reinforcing losses sustained during the theater of operations were paramount.

Russian, Austro-Hungarian, and Greek soldiers would all be marching west, with the easternmost front closed. Bringing millions men into play. Most would be sent to reinforce the Western Front, their objective the same as it had been for the last year.

Hold the line until the other theaters of war are closed within the European continent. At the same time, the Austro-Hungarian, Hellenic, and Russian Flotilla began to push to encircle and blockade the Italian peninsula.

Perhaps they could cut off material aid from Italy via the sea, but the region was connected to France in the West, and could thus easily gain troops and munitions from the border. This was not like Serbia, or the Ottoman Empire, which could only rely on its allies for aid via maritime trade.

Because of this, one could expect a free exchange of forces between the Alpine theater and the Western front. And if this were the case, this would be Bruno’s first real test against a major power. The Ottoman Empire could not truly qualify as one of the world’s great powers in 1914 when the war began.

And while Italy was the least of the Great Powers, Britain and France were not so easily outclassed. As remarkable as Bruno’s military achievements were, a cynical man, or an ideological opponent could claim he had thrown the weight of the German Army at lesser powers, and thus had merely bullied the weak with his conquests.

But that was not a claim that could be made if he steamrolled across the Western Allies, and that was what the world was watching and waiting to see. The treaties which were necessary for concluding the war in the east had been signed. And the holiday season was coming to an end.

Because of this, Bruno suspected that come mid-January he and his men would be shipped off to war once again. But that was a worry for another time, because today, was Christmas day. Hours after, the assault on the Belgian border had been concluded.

And Bruno had been briefly updated on the situation before returning to his family. Dressed in perhaps the most atrocious Christmas sweater one could possibly imagine, Bruno had gone all out for the holidays.

Heidi had entered the room with an equally hideous garment adorned across her torso, but because she was a beautiful woman, she looked quite grand in it, while Bruno a man simply looked goofy.

The children had gathered by the fireplace wide eyed, and full of excitement, waiting to open their presents. All the while Bruno and Heinrich sat on their seats, joyously partaking of the extra strength Eierpunsch which Bruno had prepared for the occasion.

Considering he was home in time for the holidays after spending the last year at war, he was quite happy with his lot in life. And the hearty drink which resembled American Egg Nogg was not the only thing causing this warm sensation.

Heinrich noticed Bruno had appeared happier lately, and was quick to make a remark about it, as he reminded the man that their other brother in arms was likely out engaging in some less than festive behavior at the moment.

“You seem almost like a different person lately. As if your victory in the Balkans has lifted an enormous weight off your shoulders. I almost don’t even recognize you… Erich feels the same, you know?

Though I bet that bastard is probably off strangling some stray cat right now… That would be how such a sick fuck celebrates Christmas, right?”

Bruno’s cheeks were slightly rosy as he ignored his friend’s crude statements of blatant falsehood towards their mutual friend. It was abundantly clear by observing his glazy eyes and his complexion that he had clearly had a bit too much to drink.

And because of this, he leaned back in his seat and gazed upon his wife and children, enjoying themselves as they opened their many presents.

Presents which were quite humble despite the wealth the family had. Though humble, they were far more personable than something bought from a store. As they had clearly been fashioned by hand. Heidi’s hands to be exact.

You see, Bruno did not believe in spoiling his children despite their family’s extensive fortune. In fact, he hated how Christmas in his past life had been turned into another soulless holiday based entirely on human greed, which was rather antithetical to its original purpose.

It was because of this that he had never given his children anything extravagant as a present for holidays, whether that be a birthday or Christmas. At the same time, Bruno had also imposed a strict sense of work ethic among his children.

Hell, the older ones were well involved with the war effort, with Eva and Elsa helping their mother around her charitable foundations, while Erwin actively trained at a military boarding school for junior cadets.

Even so, not a single one of the children dared complain about the wool socks they received, or any of the other items which their mother had personally crafted by hand for them. In fact, each of their children expressed their heartfelt gratitude towards their parents who had properly taught the true meaning of Christmas a long time ago.

When Bruno saw his family happily enjoying treats baked by his wife, and presents that the woman had personally stitched together for their children’s daily use, he realized just how much he had always desired to celebrate this holiday in such a manner.

One that he knew should have been, but never was in his past life. Christmas was never meant to be about pointless consumerism, or what lavish gifts you received from family members that might as well be strangers who knew no other way to show their “love” than by buying you whatever expensive and petty bullshit you thought you wanted because some corporation told you that you “needed” it.

No, Christmas was a holiday fundamentally about faith and family. A time to come together and celebrate the birth of the savior, even if the day itself wasn’t accurate. And to celebrate that day when divinity was born into this mortal world in human form with your loved ones.

While reflecting on all of this, Bruno could not help but speak his thoughts aloud without properly thinking them through, something he had rarely ever done in his entire life.

“Of course I would be happy… Look at the scene before you, my friend… It is everything I have ever wanted in life…”

After saying this, Bruno put his half finished drink down and walked over to join his family in the festivities. While Heinrich, perhaps inspired by Bruno’s change in outlook on life, was quick to do the same, and with his adopted daughter in tow.

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