Re: Blood and Iron

Chapter 303 Preparing for the Spring Offensive

The peaceful days with his family did not last long. 1916 had arrived, and with it there was a strange atmosphere in the world. On the one hand, the Allies grew bolder, as they made recent technological advancements that they believed, incorrectly so, could counter the superiority of the German Army.

But the Germans did the same. And they were not the only ones preparing for this new form of warfare that everyone was starting to begin may very well be the future of how all wars would be fought.

Currently, the engagement distances of battles were still for the most part beyond the scope of 300 meters. As men were always taking shots at one another between trenches. Because of this, Bruno had yet to introduce the concept of the Assault Rifle.

But there was another rifle currently in development by the Russian Empire that could prove to be an enormous boon to the Central Powers. I’m talking of course about the Fedorov Avtomat. By 1915, the rifle had seen service in Bruno’s past life, at least in limited capacity, but some modifications were performed in this life that delayed their entry into the war.

For starters, the rifles removed the stubby vertical group added to the front of them. Secondly, the rifle was designed around the 7.92x57mm Cartridge, which had become standardized across the main three empires that formed the bulk of the central powers military might. And third the magazine was changed to an MG-13 25 round magazine.

The rifle proved so effective in field trials that Bruno had negotiated the license of its manufacture in his own nation, and the Habsburgs did as well.

The decision was quickly negotiated for all nations within the alliance to begin domestic manufacture of the Fedorov Avtomat, as well as its magazines, bayonets, and munitions as a replacement for the current standard issue rifles used by all nations of the central powers.

In addition to this, the G-43, or G-05 as it was known in this life, was chosen as the designated sniper rifle for all nations of the Central Powers, with its excess stock to be shared for that role among the other nations of the Central Powers.

Sure, the Mg-34, or Mg-05 as it was currently known, would remain a weapon of German exclusivity, but the addition of selective fire battle rifles, and semi-automatic marksman rifles would greatly increase the firepower in the hands of all the nations within the Central Powers.

These preparations were naturally included as one of many as the Central Powers orchestrated their Spring Offensive within the Alps. The aim was simple. Through overwhelming firepower, and mobility, they would push the Italians and their allies back to Rome, where they would be forced to surrender.

The hope was that by mid-summer of 1916, the Italians would capitulate, leaving one last theater of operations to fight within. Bruno was certain that he could succeed in this endeavor. After all, whether it was the increase in firepower among infantry, or his self-propelled anti-tank guns that could more than obliterate any piece of armor that the Allies threw at him.

He was all too prepared. Because of this, as the winter began to fade away, and the rejuvenation of spring followed suit. The man could not help but gaze out the window of his office with a concerned expression on his face.

Reports from the Balkans stated that Erich had served with distinction, hunting down the remaining partisans and obliterating them with ease. The stability of the region had returned, or at least as such an area of the world that was rife with ethnic violence could.

After all, the Muslim minority had been withdrawn east of Ionia to rejoin with those who shared their religion. This meant that Albania, Kosovo, and Bosnia were now fully Christian. Albeit, what kind of Christian? Well that was the question that would inevitably lead to Austro-Hungary’s total collapse.

Bruno was quite certain of this. Even so, he suspected such troubles had been delayed until after the Great War’s end. What would ultimately become of one of the world’s great powers when it tore itself apart? That would be the great political question of the 1920s, and not the 1910s.

Heidi could tell that Bruno was starting to withdraw more and more into his office as the days passed. Not necessarily because he desired to, but more and more work was starting to pile up on his desk.

But the most important matter that had Bruno worried about the upcoming year was the 1916 Presidential Election within the United States. As he was busy with the war effort, he had little time to personally involve himself in American Politics.

He could only catch up in passing on what was happening across the Atlantic. And the popularity of the America First Committee was apparently waning. The Mexican Revolution had spilled over into the borders of the United States, prompting a demand by some of the more hawkish elements into military reprisal.

In addition to this, the justification for invading Mexico was seen by some as being hypocritical when the United States had declared neutrality in other wars abroad. If they invaded Mexico, why could they not send troops to the aid of the allies fighting in Europe against an ever encroaching Imperial World?

Propaganda by those working against Bruno’s own interests, such as the Rockefeller and Rothschilds, was in full effect in the USA. Declaring the economic and political isolationism of the United States as having been disastrous.

Not only for the wellbeing of American citizens who saw their quality of life dip as the exclusion of foreign goods from their markets increase prices of domestically produced versions. But also for the cause of “Liberty” around the world.

Many political cartoons depicted Lady Liberty weeping blood as she was being strangled by Germania with a German flag. As Bruno came to learn of these propaganda efforts to reignite American militarism after he had done so much in the preceding years to kill such sentiment before it could truly manifest in this life.

And hence, Bruno ultimately sighed while gazing out the window, before reaching towards his nearest rotary phone where he dialed the number for an old friend. One who he had not seen since reprimanding him for suggesting the notion of committing war crimes.

“Erich, we need to meet in person… Can you find me at the usual place for lunch? Some things are better said in person…”

After receiving the answer he desired, Bruno hung up without saying another word, before staring out the window at the rain pouring in his villa’s courtyard. And his young children dancing around with in it.

After deep contemplation, Bruno shook his head before turning away from the window, heading towards the door of his office where he grabbed his coat before heading out. But not before taking one last look at the scene outside his office, speaking his own thoughts aloud before departing for his meeting with his mad dog.

“I do these things so that they may have a future worth living…”

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